Robert Sabuda Pop-Up Cupcakes Cards, on Amazon I did a bit of housecleaning this morning – just enough to keep the house from becoming a disaster zone. I vacuumed the entire house (including wooden floors), did a load of dark laundry, emptied the dishwasher, and washed some dishes by hand. This afternoon I’m visiting my…
Crystal Orchid Flower Stem, at Z Gallerie I really miss my Christmas lights, the outdoor ones that greeted me on dark rainy nights when I returned home. It made me sad to take them down, but Christmas and New Year’s are over. It was time to carefully roll and wrap my lights and store them…
It fills me with joy to come home to a house all lit up with Christmas lights! QUICK THINGS TO DO TODAY: If you’ve been using your fireplace, need to clean it out so you can lay a fresh nice fire tonight? Have you been burning candles? Need to trim any wicks, clean out any…
On rainy winter nights, I prefer not to go anywhere. Instead I light a cozy fire in my fireplace, read books or magazines and watch TV snug in my warm slippers. Though it’s unusually warm (in the 50’s) during the daytime here, I’m treating myself to my gas fireplace for an hour or two every…
Cute warm gloves from Target It’s in the 20s here in Seattle this week, a bit abnormally cold for this area. I’m finally starting to dress more warmly both at home and when I’m going out. (I often tough it out and skip a coat if it’s in the upper 40s!) I normally don’t wear…