Today I’m taking care of myself so I’ll continue to look my best through the holidays. I’m not obsessing over trying to be beautiful or glamorous or anything like that, just making sure I feel pretty when I go to this week’s round of parties, dinners, lunches and cafes.
– How are you doing on eating up and using up Thanksgiving leftovers? Don’t be afraid to pitch something you know you won’t actually eat.
– Need to do any post-Thanksgiving laundry? The clothes your family traveled in? bedding your guests slept in? Towels from the kitchen? Bath towels?
– Need to catch up with some friends? Things may have been so busy with family over the holiday that you haven’t gotten to see or talk to your favorite people lately.
– If you took a Thanksgiving road trip, do you need to clean out your car?
TODAY’S PROJECT: Autumn Beauty
Today I’m making time to take care of my skin and body. I’ll be shaving, sugar scrubbing, moisturizing, and giving myself a manicure and pedicure. I also probably need to redo my roots (my hair is currently burgundy). I’ll make a relaxing evening of it with good music, wine, my fireplace, and the phones turned off.

LOVELY BLOGS: The Missive Maven
This warms my heart – it’s a blog dedicated to the lost art of snail mail letter writing. This blogger boldly puts her mailing address right on the blog and encourages you to write her a letter. (I can’t seem to find her actual name though, so I have to address my correspondence to Missive Maven!) I’m going to write to her right now, though I am ashamed of my handwriting. Like me, she’s a fan of Any Soldier. She shares mail art she’s received, showcases interesting vintage stationery finds, and points out neat places you can find stationery online. I will definitely be back to this blog often to check it out – I think I’ll become addicted!

I was so delighted and surprised by this movie, which I went to on Friday as part of Girls Night Out. We laughed and chuckled more than we had expected, and left the theater smiling. The film is centered around Jenny, a 16 year old Oxford-bound student who meets an older man. He takes her to jazz concerts, art auctions, and Paris (where she picks up the most heartachingly beautiful Sobranie Cocktails pastel cigarettes.) Suddenly Jenny wonders if she isn’t getting a better education by traveling around with this man, than doing all the hard work of studying boring Latin. She definitely receives an education after what develops next…
Since the movie is set in 1960s London, the costumes, cars and set decoration are highly interesting to watch. I especially enjoyed seeing Rosamund Pike playing a ditz. (You might remember her as Jane Bennett from the 2005 Pride & Prejudice.)
The Missive Maven
Thanks so much for your compliments! I'm so glad you found my blog, and I look forward to your letter.
(Hint about my name: it's pretty clearly visible in photos of letters. You don't have to work too hard to find it.)
And that's awesome that you also support AnySoldier.com!